一座现代化的超超临界燃煤电厂,其效率可以达到 42% 以上,如果同时运行热电联产,则可以超过 90%。超超临界所使用的主蒸汽,温度为 650°C 或更高,压力为 275 ~ 320 bar。设计用煤为硬煤或褐煤。也可以特殊设计为使用低挥发分煤。多数情况下,使用低氮氧化物粉料燃烧器,加上二次风和过燃风的分阶段燃烧。SCR(选择性催化反应器)、ESP(静电除尘)和 FGD(烟气脱硫)工艺,将进一步地从烟气中去除 NOx、颗粒物和 SOx。现代化的工艺设计,是采用双再热朗肯工艺,随后使用多级蒸汽轮机。做功后蒸汽的热量,还可以用于热电联产。所收集到的冷凝水,将被脱气、预热,并通过高压给水泵升压到 350 bar,以便再次生成蒸汽。
Ash handling in hard coal and lignite-fired power plants
Condensate system in hard coal and lignite-fired power plants
Cooling water treatment in hard coal and lignite-fired power plants
Dosing and chemical storage in hard coal and lignite-fired power plants
External cooling in hard coal and lignite-fired power plants
FGD wastewater treatment in hard coal and lignite-fired power plants
Flue gas desulfurization in hard coal and lignite-fired power plants
Fuel conditioning and combustion in hard coal and lignite-fired power plants
Water-steam cycle in hard coal and lignite-fired power plants
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